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The Passengers

Overview Metaphysical exhibition that rises like an erotic cloud, sometimes becomes a thunderstorm and falls to Earth as rain, while the lightning smashes the layers

The Forest Prince

Overview An impetuous Mumbai Prince betrays his court Astrologer who advises him it is not a good day to hunt, then his lack of integrity


Overview A robot after working for years in a factory and being repaired and replaced bit by bit realizes that he doesn’t want to loose

Remember This Voice

Overview He was given a chance to make himself heard. A Los Angeles transplant from Venezuela, who believes that his broken English is an insurmountable

On / Off

Overview Endless distractions threaten to destroy creativity. Director : Nicolas P. Villarreal

Long Cold Summer

Overview Two private detectives are invited to investigate a huge theft from a mansion inhabited by four models. Money and works of art were stolent.


    A robot after working for years in a factory and being repaired and replaced bit by bit

    Director : Demeter Lorant

  • Kuch-Kuch-Film-Jaisi

    Kuch Kuch Film Jaisi is a contemporary web series in Bengali language. This is a new media content that has 14 episodes. The total watch time is 4 hrs 40 min 32 sec. is showcased here.

    Director : Anindgita Dasgupta

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