“In footsteps of Chaplin” is the story of a 9-year-old orphan (played by Lylan Charles), in search of identity, who discovers during a projection within her orphanage, the character of Charlot des works of Charlie Chaplin. She then identifies with this solitary character, living in very basic conditions, but who overflows with love, dreams and hope. While her little protege, a 4-year-old orphan (played by Thao Charles), confides to her that he no longer wants to live at the orphanage, the little girl takes matters into her own hands and decides to run away with him, towards the Manoir de Ban, the last home of Charlie Chaplin, in Corsier-sur-Vevey in Switzerland, now Chaplin’s World. At the same time, a Swiss couple came to Brittany to consult a fertility specialist, their last hope of conceiving a child. Unfortunately, she tells them that they will never be able to give birth to a baby. Dejected by the sadness of this terrible news, they leave, leaving behind them the dream of founding a family.
Director – Coconut Studio